Custom software and mobile apps

helping our clients be more successful

Custom Software

Proprietary software tailored to help companies improve sales, workflows, reporting, efficiency, and more.

Delivered solutions include:
– Sales tools
– Reward programs
– Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools
– And more

Advanced Websites

We develop websites with advanced application functions such as:
– Accounting
– Member’s account management
– Event and volunteer registration
– Member’s collaboration
– Document sharing and collaboration
– Email and text messaging
– Other custom applications


Mobile Apps

Custom mobile apps for Apple and Android devices.

Delivered solutions include:
– Contact list with phone and email interfaces
– Using the mobile device camera
– Image galleries
– Reward programs
– Barcode payments
– Tracking account balances
– Interfacing with Facebook
– And more

Available in Cincinnati, OH
and the rest of the United States

We work with people all over the United States. If you’re in the Cincinnati area even better. We can meet more often in person to collaborate and review progress.

complete custom software projects

We deliver

Everyone knows of software projects that went on for months and were never completed or never launched. We’ll discuss how to avoid this happening with your project. We’ll work with you to develop a plan with realistic expectations and then deliver the solution you need. If needed, we can include financial incentives or penalties if we don’t deliver what we say in the time we say we’ll do it.

We listen, collaborate, and work
with you through the process

Building software is a lot like building a house. The actual construction of the home is only part of the project. Identifying what needs to be in the home, where to put it, sizes, etc. all takes hours before the construction starts. The same is true for building software and websites. Figuring out what will help a business and what to build are important first steps. You understand your business better than anyone else. We understand how to build software and websites. We’ll come alongside and work with you to:

  • Understand where you are and where you want to go.
  • Figure out if and how a custom software or website can help.
  • Develop and implement a solution that helps your organization.

By the way… If we can’t do something or we don’t think something is going to work, we’ll tell you.



The best solutions
evolve and improve over time

Company processes and systems evolve and improve over time. Good software is the same. Microsoft Word was an excellent product in 1995. Years latter it’s even better. As we develop software and websites, we see new opportunities to add and improve functionality for an organization.

“Version 1” of anything Swordfish develops should have a positive impact on your business. In many cases a version 1 release is all we do.

The Swordfish culture is one of continual improvement. We love to continually improve our software and website solutions to continue to improve the sales and operations of an organization.


If you have a business problem you think can be addressed with software or a website, let’s talk.

Contact Us